The Message of The Gospel
To advance our understanding of the mission project of the church, it’s importance, our responsibility and our approach and strategies.
- 1 Cor. 15:3-4
- Rom. 1:16
- Act 10:34-44
For some weeks, our discussions have been on understanding missions and soul winning. This is to align more perfectly with the current emphasis of the ministry towards soul winning. We see from scripture that we are commanded to GO! Mk.16:15-20. God wants us to take up the responsibility of preaching this gospel to the entire world 1 Tim.2:4-5. We therefore established the need for us to GO, GROAN and GIVE, a major approach and strategy inspired by the spirit of God to fulfilling the great commission. Amen!
Today we are taking the discussion further to understanding the GOSPEL properly. For the mandate from Mark 16:15 is to ‘’ Go and preach THE GOSPEL to all creature’’ it is implicitly important to understand properly THE GOSPEL we are mandated to share. The gospel needs to be understood by every believer or Christian who cares to carry out this instruction. Recall, we once said to be an effective soul winner begins with a genuine understanding of the importance of soul winning, and a profound understanding of the message of the gospel. In our previous outline, we touched a little on the message of the gospel as found in 1 Cor.15:3-4. It will be useful for us to please open and read here.
We believe that the message of the gospel is the product a soul winner has to offer a ‘’sinner’’. In business it is generally accepted that good product knowledge is very important in closing sales transaction; the same way a Christian should see the message of the gospel very important in converting the unsaved to Christ. So, let’s see how we can break the message of the gospel to a reasonable level of understanding for everyone. Here are some questions to further our study.
Question for Discussions
- What is the gospel according to Mark 16:15 or what exactly did Jesus mean ?!
- 1 Cor. 15:3-4 said how that Jesus died, was buried and rose the third day according to the scriptures, Please which scriptures proved all of these?
- In being effective at sharing the gospel, what should be our core emphasis while sharing. In other words what is the central theme of the Gospel (a.k.a Good news)!
- How do we present the good news to someone who is ill, heavily indebted, or at the verge of a broken marriage ?!
- Is it right to summarize the gospel as a promise of a ‘better life’?! With this in mind how do we reassure those who have given their lives to christ and their life is not physically ‘better’?!
- The new Christian and restitution – what’s your take?!
- What’s the next most important thing every christian after giving his or her life to Jesus Christ?!
Any other question or concern you reason will be useful for us?!
Further Discussions
- The GOSPEL according to Mark 16:15 means GOODNEWS. Now Jesus explained the Good news to us, first in John 19:30 He said ‘’it is FINISHED’’ What is it that is finished brethren? Please take time to discuss this. Second, in Mathew 28:9&18 Jesus said ‘’ All Hail……..All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Praise God!’’ This is the good news, what happened the cross finished all the works of the devil 1 John3:8. Essentially, the work of redeeming us on the cross is what finished. Man is made completely free from the powers of the devil. Man was completely reconciled back to God. The All hail will refer to Jesus being hailed that man is now free and is enthroned to a new status in the hierarchy of authority on earth. While we may not be able present all of this here, it helps our confidence and faith to share the GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ with a clearer understanding of the finished Works of Jesus a.k.a Redemption Work in Christ Jesus. Please read senior pastor’s book ‘Now that you are born again…maximize Christianity!
- There are many scriptures that proved the death burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.The old testament prophesied this in Isaiah 53:3-5,12, Psalms 16:10 and 22:1. More so, Jesus predicted his death burial and resurrection in Mathew 12:40 and Luke 11:29. This fore telling was to put make saints of us all.
- Many have presented a gospel they really can’t seem to defend. The central theme of the gospel is not just a promise of life becoming better from the present situations people face but settling the dominion of/over life from the realm of the spirit through the infusion of the life of God to have dominion over the devil and affairs of this world. 1 John5:4. It is the inclusive salvation plan God has made to save man from God’s definite judgement which will come on and against anyone who refuses or despises His love and life. John3:16-18. This also confirms that the message of salvation is for every one; Black, white, Jew or gentile, male or female; indeed whatever color or prejudice needs to be saved by accepting and confessing Jesús as Lord and savior and that God raised Him on the third day from the dead. Rom.10:1-19.
- So from the above we can say the central theme of the gospel is the love of God expressed towards mankind both to save and deliver man from sin and the power of death. Amen! Rom. 8:1-13. For the ill therefore, the good news will be knowledge of how to be healed or better still healing itself. Matt.8:17, 1Pet.2:24. For the one who is indebted the gospel is that Christ has become our peace and prosperity to pay for our sins of poor and careless living and prosperity to make us have enough to walk out of debt. Deut.8:18, Is.53:5. Now that you are in Christ Jesus, you are empowered to prosper in any endeavor Psalms 1:3, 2 Cor. 9:8. Favor will speak for you in JESUS name. Amen!
- Summarily the good news is ‘better life’ – super abundant life. John 10:10. MSG. Although not everyone will or is experiencing this life. But that does not reduce the fact that God has provided it anyways. God extends His love and all that He has and is towards us through His life and resources in The Holy Ghost. Man accesses all these through faith. It is at this point of faith that many get stuck. In ability to believe in unseen realities. This is why listening and hearing of God’s Word is the sure way to making this grace of God count for our everyday practical life and living. It is also important to reiterate we do not have nature of sin (that brought about terminal diseases) anymore in us. Rom.8:10-13. 1 Pet. 2:24 says ‘’… whose stripes you were healed’’ Your healing was settled on the cross, believe and be healed in Jesus name. Amen!
- While it is necessary and appropriate to halt every act of mischief one once practiced before receiving Jesus; it is almost unfair to expect that one can go back to undo ALL of the wrongs he has ever done. ANYMAN (this sure includes ex convicts and more) who is in Christ is a new creature. Old things are passed away behold all things have become new. Amen! There’s no need to make humanistic efforts to make yourself new. If it is something that can help your mind, or better the lot of the person from which it was stolen (in the case of a theft for example) that may be done. But that definitely is not what makes you a new creature. Believe and receive this gift of a new life in Jesus name. Amen!
- Therefore, the most important thing every Christian must pursue after giving a His life to Christ (which those of us who are wise as soul winners must emphasis) is the true knowledge of who he or she is in Christ Jesus. This best accessed by studying the epistles of the New Testament mostly written by Apostle Paul. Without this understanding, one may be undermining the potency of the gift of God and the power of the gospel that is potent to save and deliver. Amen!
- Questions here should stay on the theme of the discussion. Other conversations as to how this life of God can be best maximized may be brought up but please let’s stay in line. Thank you.
Soul winning aka Evangelism is every ones assignment. We must therefore commit to this mandate and adopt it as one of our very vital Christian culture. It will not happen by itself. We must imbue it into ourselves as a living lifestyle and may God grant to us His good pleasure in Jesus name. We will continue our conversations in this regard some next time. Thanks and God bless.
Please Remain God’s Pride! Amen!