This month of March 2019, we take sides with God and yield to the person, power, wisdom and sweet influences of the Holy Spirit.
We are led and take the lead in the things of significance. We matter in the things that matter. We align with the purposes of the Holy Spirit of God.
This March we march in divine realities and fulfill heaven’s agenda in our lives, family, ministry and general activities.
We declare liberty into our lives and minds. We receive the intelligence of the Spirit. We receive grace to execute spiritual instructions. We also welcome friends and strategic providential relationships that will better our lives.
Friends that inspire. That help our views and improve our spiritual understanding. People who will help shape our culture as a community and habit as individuals.
Money cooperates with our dreams. We take money out of money. Our dreams for a better Nigeria, Lagos and community are fulfilled in Jesus name. We give God thanks for our place of rest -Hebron. Our voice of Victory will not ebb out in Jesus name. Amen!
We are beautiful for situations. We are the joy of the whole earth. I am the joy of the world. We walk in the Spirit and the power of the Holy Ghost. We demonstrate mastery and dominion in every area of life. We are the helped of the Lord and we give to God the glory now as always. Amen!