The message of the gospel must not be hindered. We all are stakeholders to this mandate. It is indeed the obligation of the Christian to share the gospel.

We are therefore duty bound to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here in VIRTUES, we realize the need to open the various gates through which resources may be received to propagate the message of the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.

Below are a few of the ways by which this can be achieved:


The building of people at a level will require the building of God a befitting place for the gathering of His people. Here in VIRTUES we refer to this building (at any and every level for now) as HEBRON.

We have opened an account that allows partners give to this noble cause.

Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Name:
Virtues Christian Centre(Hebron – Building Project)
Account Number :

POVIO (Partners’ Of Virtues International Outreaches)

Virtues International represents the ministerial efforts of our Man of God, (a.k.a Rev. Alexander Faranpojo Ministries) either as his personal or corporate efforts.

POVIO celebrates partners with several partnership benefits including the hosting of every known partner in the records to a major partners’ dinner where updates and other ministerial impartations and gifts are released to the guests.

Rev. Alexander Faranpojo makes a commitment to partners to be available to corporate meetings as organizational devotionals, retreats or general covering in line with the Word of God. Amen!

Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Name:
Virtues Christian Centre(POVIO)
Account Number :


Missions is a very major directorate in VIRTUES. In the spirit of getting the message of the love of Jesus out, we seek to also demonstrate this faithfully and effectively.

We operate through a series of structures put in place to measure effectiveness. For example there is the welfare department that helps service the internal needs of brethren and certain needs. So this unit pays attention to the hospitality needs of our Believer’s in a structured manner.

Other avenues include Evangelism Team. This team puts mission efforts to mission fields they feel led to commit to. Much of this is done by our mission committee which ensures effective ways of taking the gospel to the communities of our domain.

Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Name:
Virtues Christian Centre(Missions)
Account Number :

Other platforms for partnership will be espoused as God grants us grace. Amen