
To instill and re-ignite the passion for soul winning in the quest for living a successful and profitable life on earth.


Mark 16:15-16; Matthew 28:18-20


God’s mandate for the body of Christ is clearly captured in the above texts. He wants us to not just preach the gospel but to disciple the nations of the earth, to the end that they might be saved from judgement and to also learn how to commit this same message to the next generation.

In as much as we live in modern times, where intellectualism as been elevated to the status of a god, the Christian is reminded that he is essentially on a mission of reconciliation of mankind back to God, and that he lives a supernatural life( 2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

In church our pastor has taught that our being blessed and prosperous is so we can also in turn be a blessing to our community and world at large. Zach.1:17. When a man is blessed/rich the bible says we should urge them to use it for other good works. 1Tim.6:17.

Our love for others must become our ultimate culture of life and claims to all spirituality. The proof of this love is exemplified in the passion for soul winning. In this study, we shall try to discuss on the subject of soul winning in a bid to understand and imbibe it as a main culture and a spiritual love language.
Put in another sense our objective is to make every member a soul winner. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen.

Questions for Discussion
  1. What is soul winning and how can we relate soul winning to the culture of the Word and Spirit?
  2. What category of people are saddled with the responsibility of preaching the word?
  3. Why do you think Evangelism (aka Soul winning) is important?
  4. What are the benefits of soul winning?
  5. What are some of the obstacles encountered while trying to share the gospel?
  6. Is there any consequence for not being an active soul winner?
  7. Mention some of the ways you can be an effective witness.
Further discussions
  1. Soul winning is the active effort of continuously sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the objective of making a man/men receive Him as Lord and savior – (Salvation Experience) and to hold forth in that faith till he returns at the second coming – (Discipleship). That is converting people to christ through the preaching and invitation to a bible believing church. One of the culture and mandate of the spirit is that of preaching the word. As Christians, we are required to preach the gospel to all nations. My. 16:15-16.

    It is a responsibility and a spiritual discipline that we must do from regularly and from place to place. It is important to note that it is the Holy Spirit that does the actual soul winning, but we as partners with Him ought to preach Jesus and His finished works and then the Holy Spirit will use that as raw material to instruct them. Amen!

  2. Every disciple of Christ is required to preach the word. Of course there are those called to the office of the Evangelist, but everyone who has the spirit of wisdom is a soul winner and is to do the work of an evangelist. 2Tim4:5 and Proverbs 11:30
  3. God wants us to bear fruit. In John 15:2, 8. It is one of the first commands God gave to mankind to be fruitful and to multiply and replenish the earth. Genesis 1:28. It is God’s will that we multiply ‘Spiritually’ as well as physically. It is also important as it hastens the return of our lord Jesus Christ. Matt.24:14. It also causes the release of Power against the kingdom of darkness, thereby increasing the experience of good in the bearer’s life and the world at large. Amen! Rom.1:16-17.
  4. If you are a true soul winner, you will enjoy unprecedented supernatural supply. This is a key benefit to being a soul winner. You are in business with God, and he will mind your business. John 15:7 makes us to understand that it is when we bear fruit that we will enjoy answer to all that we request from God. He takes care of us physically and spiritually because we become His ambassadors and He takes care of us spiritually and physically. 2Cor.5:18-20.
  5. Timidity and lack of content are some of the major obstacles experienced in sharing the gospel. A lot of Christians do not spend enough quality time with God. This has dulled their sensitivity to spiritual responsibilities. It is this lack of depth in the things of God that erodes the confidence of a believer. When you deliberately seek and spend time with God, he fills you with so much depth and grace that you will be moved to witness indeed out of love and urgency. Another important reason is because many Christians are not taught on how to go about this. Anything not clearly taught cannot be clearly communicated. Are you willing to be taught?! Is your Christian life growing through teachings?!
  6. Yes, there are consequences for not being an active soul winner. You slip into living a carnal life, and we all know that carnality has no place in God’s kingdom. Psalm 82:6-7 is a prophetic to such Christians who live carnal lives. It is important to read up on 2 Timothy 3:1-7 which talk extensively on carnal Christians. Then again is the danger of the blood of the individual or corporate mission field being demanded of us as in Ezekiel 3:16-18 among other consequences.
  7. Be ready at all times to preach God’s word, you never know when you have the opportunity.2 Tim4:2. Rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to prompt and give you words to speak with boldness at all times. He’d also give you the wisdom and a mouth that cannot be gain said. Luke 21:15. It also more effective to keep your message very clear and simple. Recognize that you are an ambassador of Christ and must present the gospel as the good news and not a threat or condemnation. Simply Witness. And your testimony becomes a tool for God’s Spirit to drill the heart of the man/woman.
Final thoughts

Everything you will ever need to evangelize is given to you in the person of the Holy Spirit. Always fellowship with him and he will empower you for witnessing.

Again you will be more effective to desire spiritual gifts to aid in spreading God’s word, as signs and wonders are one of the ways God confirms his word when we preach.

You are empowered for great things, be strong in the will of the Lord – that men might be saved.
Next week, we will be considering the various approaches to soul wining. The content, structures, systems and strategies your church will be applying to make this effective.

Till we meet again next week, please remain God’s pride! Amen!