The Great Commission: Go, Groan and Give!!!

To advance our understanding of the mission project of the church, it’s importance, our responsibility and our approach and strategies.


Mk16:15-20. 1Tim2:4-5


The whole essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that men be saved. Saved from the corruption that is in this world through lust 2Pet.1:3-4; but much more is that we should come into the glorious liberty (Rom8:21) where Christ has made us free and that all men be saved come into the knowledge of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! 1 Tim.2:4-5.

We see from scripture that we are commanded to GO! Mk.16:15-20. This is a necessary burden. It is a duty that has been bestowed upon any authentic Christian to act upon. Will you?! Yes we will. Amen!

We also see that GROANING in the place of prayer is necessary for this to be effective. Matt.9:36-39. The use of the word ‘groaning’ and not just prayer, is to advance the emotions beyond just prayer, to a prayer mingled with an urgent burden – in intensity, fervency and in urgency. Yes we must pray (a.k.a groan), that all men be saved. Rom. 8:26-27. Col.1:8-9.

Then we are also admonished to GIVE. Acts2:45-47. Our giving is an irrefutable proof that we are serious about the task of being a soul winner. Many times like we see in scriptures, people gave of their own substance to ensure that people had wheels to go on; and groaning to ensure that their was a mighty reception of and response to the gospel preached. Amen! Acts.16:14&40.

God wants us to take up the responsibility of preaching this gospel to the entire world. To get men saved beyond going to church but to have life encounters with the Spirit of the most High God.

There are repercussions to not doing this. Ezekiel 3:18-21. There are also rewards. 1 Tim4:8.

So we see that preaching the gospel with the Word GO! Praying and interceding with GROANINGS, and cheerfully GIVING of our material substances for the effective propagation of the gospel which is a must for every Christian. Amen!

Let’s take some questions to further our study.

Questions for Discussion
  1. Must we all preach the gospel…and Why Please?!
  2. What really is the message of the gospel or what exactly is the GoodNews we are urged to preach?
  3. Why will I preach the GoodNews when I don’t have all the evidence of it in my life?!
  4. Who do I preach to…and how do I start?!
  5. What if I am rejected and embarrassed?!
  6. How can I be an effective soul winner ?!
  7. What are the other areas I must be involved in to be an effective soul winner?
  8. What are the other possible challenges that can discourage or stop us from accepting this heavenly commission and mandate?!
Further Discussions
  1. Like we earlier introduced, that the mandate to preach the gospel is not for some selected faithfuls in Christ but for every believer. Why?! Because We are literally saved to save others. Ezekiel. 3:18-21. It is sometimes even ’embarrassing’ to interact with a total stranger. More so demanding or challenging a person to believe a very amazingly simple gospel could be more ’embarrassing’. But this reproach we must bear for the lord. Ps.79:4&12. There’s an urgency attached that compels us to realize there’s an impending danger which we must save men from. This is our real stewardship. Not a department for some people who like talking. We all must become soul winners. Prov.11:30. Amen!
  2. The message of the gospel must be kept simple. 2 Cor.11:3. It is found in 1 Cor.15:3-4. The GoodNews is that man is reconciled back to God. 2Cor.5:19. And that because of the finished works of Christ established by His resurrection we are now reconciled unto God. Free from sin and empowered to reign in this life because we have received the gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace. Rom.5:17. John10:10. Amen!
  3. Yes, you may have your struggles in your life. But the power to obtain salvation from God comes from our obedience to preach/share the GoodNews. Rom.1:16-17. As we preach power is released to deliver us from every misrepresentation of our lives. Eph.3:8-10. We don’t get perfect before we GO! We get perfected as we GO! Luke17:14…” …As they went” all the other desired evidences showed up as they went in obedience. Amen!
  4. We ought to be our Neighbour’s keeper. So start with your immediate family and then extend it to every neighbour.
  5. If you ever feel rejected…Matt.10:14-17. Don’t take it personal. The world needs your message. More so recall Ezekiel 3:18-21.
  6. To be an effective soul winner begins with a genuine understanding of the importance of soul winning. Then understand more about the message of the gospel. Then preach it lovingly, Prayerfully,and give generously and compassionately. Learn to listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Luke21:13-16. This way you’d be a joy giver to heaven. Amen!
  7. Praying and Giving. Fasting and studying. Listening to the Word of God,…this among others are things we must not fail to do to be a more effective soul winner.
  8. Please discuss…and God will help you overcome them all I’m Jesus name.

Soul winning aka Evangelism is every ones assignment with signs following. It requires all sides of our tripartite being. Spirit, Soul and body. To give to groan and to Go! We must therefore commit to this mandate and adopt it as one of our very vital Christian culture.

We will continue our conversations in this regard next time. Thanks and God bless.

Please Remain God’s Pride! Amen!