April 2016: Our Month of Favours and Acceleration.
We are a people of a great God, called by His name, called from the dark and delivered from shame. God has given us by His Spirit, grace and glory, wealth and honour, power and might. And we in turn give it all back to Him as our source and sustainer. Amen!
He is the sun of righteousness; with healing in his wings, we arise and soar in Him. We know Him and we are known of Him. We have become one with Him. He is our God. And we are His people. He is excellent and we have taken after Him. Amen!
Upon our understanding of prophetic declarations we receive this month of April 2016, as a month of acceleration and favours in Jesus name.
There shall be overlapping blessings and testimonies of progress. Doors of favour are flung open to us. People remember us for good to do us good. We also are distributors of good things to those connected to us. Abundance is our portion, prosperity our heritage. Our sons and daughters are promoted and kept by the power of God. Our ideas and faith rule and overcome this world in Jesus name. Amen!
We hereby also prophesy that there shall be no loss of life or property amongst us. All of us as children of God almighty are for signs and wonders. We prevail over principalities and powers. We are healed from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. We conquer and go conquering. For our God is with us, He is in us and He is for us. Therefore no one can be against us in Jesus name. Hallelujah!
LAGOS is ours. Hebron is done. We receive the help of men and angels to build this sanctuary for our God. We raise men of influence and develop a people of power. Our country Nigeria is blessed. We speak wisdom and might to the leadership. Nigeria is great again. Amen!
This month, every thanks giver will supernaturally receive another reason to yet testify and their testimonies shall be permanent. We are supply conscious and covenant minded. For God Almighty is the God of VIRTUES. We are marvellously helped by Him. Amen!
We know who we are. We are Gods pride and we give to God all the glory now as always. Amen!