Confessions of Faith – April 2016
Confessions of Faith – April 2016
April 2016: Our Month of Favours and Acceleration.

We are a people of a great God, called by His name, called from the dark and delivered from shame. God has given us by His Spirit, grace and glory, wealth and honour, power and might. And we in turn give it all back to Him as our source and sustainer. Amen!

He is the sun of righteousness; with healing in his wings, we arise and soar in Him. We know Him and we are known of Him. We have become one with Him. He is our God. And we are His people. He is excellent and we have taken after Him. Amen!

Upon our understanding of prophetic declarations we receive this month of April 2016, as a month of acceleration and favours in Jesus name.

There shall be overlapping blessings and testimonies of progress. Doors of favour are flung open to us. People remember us for good to do us good. We also are distributors of good things to those connected to us. Abundance is our portion, prosperity our heritage. Our sons and daughters are promoted and kept by the power of God. Our ideas and faith rule and overcome this world in Jesus name. Amen!

We hereby also prophesy that there shall be no loss of life or property amongst us. All of us as children of God almighty are for signs and wonders. We prevail over principalities and powers. We are healed from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. We conquer and go conquering. For our God is with us, He is in us and He is for us. Therefore no one can be against us in Jesus name. Hallelujah!

LAGOS is ours. Hebron is done. We receive the help of men and angels to build this sanctuary for our God. We raise men of influence and develop a people of power. Our country Nigeria is blessed. We speak wisdom and might to the leadership. Nigeria is great again. Amen!

This month, every thanks giver will supernaturally receive another reason to yet testify and their testimonies shall be permanent. We are supply conscious and covenant minded. For God Almighty is the God of VIRTUES. We are marvellously helped by Him. Amen!

We know who we are. We are Gods pride and we give to God all the glory now as always. Amen!

Confessions of Faith – March 2016
March 2016: Our Month of Significance In The Things That Matter.

Because the spirit of the lord is upon me and lives in me today, I decree and declare that in this month of March 2016, my life enjoys significance in the things that count in Jesus name. Amen!

2016 is a year of grace and according as it has been said, we enter into the harvest of 16 years now in Jesus name. Amen!

We produce outstanding results in fruitfulness, multiplication, dominion and replenishing of the earth in Jesus name. We gain revelation into God’s holistic thoughts. Direction and victories are ours. We conquer and go conquering. We prosper and increase as we have increased in Jesus name. God has given to us the ownership rights to this earth and the blessing and its fruits are delight-some to us in Jesus name. Amen!

We speak to our ideas, children, family and loved ones they are blessed and protected. We invoke the power in the blood to speak for us and bring us favourable encounters in abundance and sufficiency in Jesus name. To our beautiful country Nigeria, we speak peace be still; to LAGOS we say you are ours. Hebron is established by the abundant supply of Gods grace. Amen!

For we have been exalted far above principalities and powers, as soon as they hear our voice they shall bow to us. Evil shall not come near our dwelling. The powers of wickedness and the token of liars and accusers is silenced now in Jesus name. We have escaped like a bird, our souls have been redeemed by the Blood of the lamb and secured by His resurrection. We declare restoration now and pray ease to walk in obedience to God in Jesus mighty name.

We are sensitive to His spirit and responsive to His love and power. We acknowledge every good thing that is in us in Christ Jesus. He who has begun a good work will perfect it in us in Jesus name. Heaven’s richest and best is ours and we give to God all the glory now as always. Amen!


Although it is yet to be fully understood, I have come to realize that God is not infatuated with me, He is in Love with me. Haven experienced both (love and infatuation), I can say with a clearer sense of understanding that God loves me. God loves us, permanently. Hallelujah!

You see, He ensured that the principle in creation is what creates our world. In other words, He laid down succinct examples of Himself and life just so we can at will always create (purchase if you will) whatever we want, at our own time, at His own expense. And what’s more it will be exactly according to His will.

When you see God this way, it will affect the way you live your life, pray and interact with your environment. It will inform your expectations from and of God and consequently your true to life…!
So, knowing He is in love with you may sometimes get into your head (if ever it will…) but be sure He’s a lover and mentor enough to put you back into line.

The emphasis here is to focus on a good God of infinite kindness. One who has released anything for our life and godly living to us, accessible by the law of creation through faith, on the bill His grace. Hallelujah!

So speak, declare His love. Don’t cry. Pray and declare in faith God’s will about you. Refuse to be afraid and let’s see the love of God manifest in around you this year.

Creative Beginnings. Let the miracles begin!!!

Confessions of Faith – February 2016
February 2016: Our Month of Joyful Victories Through Faith.

In Jesus name we declare that we are blessed and blessed to be a blessing. In this life, we are made by Jesus Christ, to become Kings and Priests unto our God. We have been exalted and made to sit with Him far above all principalities and powers. We take sides with this knowledge and with the Spirit of God. We take over here on earth. Hallelujah!

As beneficiaries of the grace of God…we reign in life. For we have received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. We have obtained victory through the blood and mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Victory over the powers of sin and death. Victory over accusations of hell and its representatives. Every waggling tongue and raging temper is silenced and destroyed now in Jesus name.

For it is written ‘the sceptre will not depart from Judah’…Yes, from this day the Lord has begun to exalt us right before everyone in Jesus name. While we look not at things which are seen, but the things which are not seen. For we have received grace and we enter by revelation into an elevation above every circumstance in Jesus name. Amen!

As a church, the eyes of our understanding is enlightened; we are filled with wisdom and revelation of God in the knowledge of Him. We have might and strength in the spirit of our inner man. We do not observe lying vanities therefore we also do not forsake our own mercy. Our off springs are blessed. God also has given us the city and the city gates of Lagos. The temple of our God- Hebron, is built.

We pray for our country and her leaders. God will help them. We pray for ourselves, we arise and express God’s grace upon us for governance. We are blessed. We are lifted and we give to God all the glory now as always. Amen!

Confessions of Faith – January 2016
January 2016: Our Month of Creative Beginnings.

We boldly declare that we are covenant minded and supply conscious in Jesus name. We embrace the gift of a new year as God’s love demonstrated and as an opportunity for us to fulfil destiny. We therefore declare that January 2016 is our month of Creative Beginnings in Jesus name. Amen!

Our faith is built on the goodness and mercies of the Lord who has made all things beautiful. We step into creative beginnings this January. We begin by creating with our words our desired future.

We speak into the womb of the year to bring forth a harvest in Jesus name. As a ministry, we declare a harvest of saved and multiplied souls; increase in relevance and capacity. As individuals we increase in numbers and testimonies. We begin with joy and gladness and we come back rejoicing.

To our children, family, finances, church and even nation we prophecy peace. We declare our beginning is great. Resources match up with our dreams. We align with God’s perfect will in time and season. As a church we build according to the will of God. We build according to pattern. We take delivery of Hebron – Our covenant place.

LAGOS is ours. The border gates are open to us on a global scale. We are powerful. We are accepted and relevant. Our influence and position is strategic and timely. To our country Nigeria we speak peace. To the nations of the world we say Jesus is Lord.

Our leadership is blessed. We know no regrets. We excel and are comforted on every side. We know who we are. I know who I am. And We give to God all the glory now as always. Amen!